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Case Studies and insights into the way we like to work. With people and the communities they live in. You’ll also find articles from the National Creative People and Places Network which gives you an insight into the learning from other projects around the country.

This video is a three chapter story about our approach that explains a little more about our approach and why we want to continue listening to the people of the region, building confidence and creating…

Case study: Rivers of Light

September 2023

We explore the 'Rivers of Light' community lantern parade in Newmarket, Forest Heath, where 600 residents took part as they paraded along The Yellow Brick Road with beautiful handmade lanterns.

Case Study: Let’s Take a Walk/ Walking Companion

May 2022

This case study explores projects using creative activities to connect to nature in the local environment. The activities were created during Covid Lockdowns and developed through digital channels.

Case Study: Community Producer

April 2022

We worked with two local residents to support them as Community Producers in 2021. They brought local knowledge and contacts to commissions and events, developed their skills and made creative things happen in their places with their communities.

Case Study: Brandon Creative Forum

April 2022

Brandon Creative Forum is a community group established in the first phase of MarketPlace. We take a look at the impact MarketPlace support has had on the group.

Case Study: Surviving Lockdown

March 2022

This case study explores the Surviving Lockdown project in collaboration with Click Therapy CIC and performed Alternate Orbit Theatre.

Case Study: Objects and Stories

This case study explores the Objects and Stories project by Michelle Brace in collaboration with CPP MarketPlace and Suffolk Libraries.

Creative People & Places investment to continue in Fenland and Forest Heath

December 2021

Following a competitive application process, Babylon ARTS has secured funding from Arts Council England, for three more years of the Creative People and Places (CPP) MarketPlace Project from April 2022.

MarketPlace in a Minute

October 2021

60 Second Stories from the 30 Creative People And Places projects about creativity and what it means to us all.

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