Make 'n' Cake

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Chatteris sits at the edge of East Cambs & Huntingdon and the locals will tell you that “March & Wisbech get everything”. Like so many of our Market Towns, Chatteris is a quiet place on the surface but has some surprising hidden treasures.

It is the home of artist and publisher Richard Savage who has a studio where, in addition to his fine art portraits and illustration work, he holds regular art classes (well, before Covid19 decided to lock us all in). We worked with him on a INKLING/CONNECT project in 2020.

Marian Savill is a mixed-media artist – in her words “I like to cut things up and stick things together, messing about really” – and also a long time collaborator with Richard. The results of her “cutting things up” are quite lovely and her journalling work with groups in Mildenhall were inspirational for many. Take a look at the video…

We knew Ric and Marian’s ability to be generous with their art skills and their easy chatter talents made them the perfect duo for engaging with local people over a spot of ‘Make & Cake’.

For two days Ric & Marian entertained over 30 people who booked themselves in, with a friend, to sip tea & coffee, nibble delicious vegan chocolate cake and make art. The pictures below speak for themselves.