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FenScapers Podcast No. 1
Celebrating the first podcast from the creative writing group, FenScapers, first started during the first lockdown in 2020 by writer Bel Greenwood, as the result of MarketPlace's 'Inkling & Connect' commissions.

From page to podcast…
Friday 21st January 2022 was a big day for the creative writing team.
We launched the first FenScapers audio collection, to listen to on your phone or device. Enjoy either in the comfort of your home or while you take a walk in the countryside. Simply click the play button or read the transcript of the podcast here.
The launch of the podcast coincided with the FenScapers’ first live performance of their writing at the Fascinating Fens ‘Fen Folks Friday’ monthly online social event.
Fen Folks Fridays are free, friendly monthly meet-ups via Zoom, featuring speakers and topics for those who enjoy meeting others who share their love of the Fens. Watch the full Fen Folk Friday video here:
We had an incredible night presenting poems, prose and even a 2-person performance which was received enthusiastically by over 25 Fascinating Fen followers.
“We weren’t really sure what to expect, but we really enjoyed it. Please thank everyone. It was great to have the FenScapers and the Fascinating Fenners/Fen Folkers together”
Karen, Founder of Fascinating Fens
The FenScapers have been working with writer and editor Belona Greenwood since summer 2020 as part of our Inkling and Connect commissions. You can read about how the project began as the ‘Writing the Landscape’ project here.
The writers from across Fenland and East Cambs have explored their love of the Fens and experimenting with many different creative ways to use the written word. You can find a library of their writing on their blog ‘Leaping the Lockdown’.
They are exploring ways of sharing their writing and The FenScapers podcast is their first digital audio platform in order to share with the wider community.
Created during the lockdowns the podcast was recorded their writings on phones and laptops and then Creative Agent Colin, edited and mixed them with sound effects and original music.
Barbara, one of the writers, is very happy with the final edit:
“Listening to the different voices and the music that we helped to choose – the podcast reflects what a lovely mixed bunch we are“

The music was commissioned by the writers from Norfolk musician, Chris Ellis. The group chose the final themes and Chris developed musical strands to be mixed and blended with the writing.
Fascinating Fens Friday was a huge success and now FenScapers are preparing to create a new live performance for local communities. To find out more contact Colin :

Read about how this project began as the ‘Writing the Landscape’ project here.
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